Sunday, June 22, 2008

Evolution of Gmail Chat

Well, it's always good to read about what goes inside the world's biggest facilitator amongst all the Web 2.0 companies -- the inveterate Google. So, here comes the confessions, the insider stories and usable technology ideas, straight from the horse's mouth i.e. the official Google blog. Read here to find out about the evolution of Gmail chat -- how it is a result of very obvious and simple design ideas.


Crazycool said...

hey i dont thing it is a good idea to put a screen shot f your gmail account ...

God know what people can say about you and your friends ...

better to use a dummy account ...

anyway nice blog keep it up.

RahulG said...

Hey Sjay, thanks for your comment.

But if you might notice, it's not a screen shot of my gmail account. It's only a random one picked up just to explain the features of gmail chat. So, don't worry. :)

Thanks for the kind words.