Friday, August 29, 2008

I won!!

One of my favourite quotes is:

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

My answer to that would be August 29, 2008. Today, I won a cash prize worth Rs. 10, 000/- for the first time in my life! I have won numerous prizes in quizzing and dumb charades but never a cash prize. I have won all sort of things from a fish bowl to CDs to gift vouchers to blessings but a cash prize had always eluded me somehow. It was a very weird feeling till now when I used to see people -- juniors as well as seniors, walking away with all the moolah. But thankfully, the jinx is broken now.

For those of you who care to know what did I win the prize for ... well, it was the annual Marketing Summit & National Level Paper Writing Contest at IMI, Delhi called Srijan'08. The title of my research paper was "Innovations in Sales & Distribution".

But, jinhe naaz hai voh kahan hain?


AB said...

Congrats man... I was there with you when we won all those non-monetary gifts (fish bowls my favorite :))...

Dont spend it all man... send me a copy of the paper man...

RahulG said...

Hey, thank you very much. I know man! But it had a charm of its own when we won all that, ain't it? Remember, once we went to that computer shop near the theka in Sec-17 to collect our goodies (CDs, I guess) and he refused to acknowledge the Chandigarh Mafia! :)

Yeah, I'll try to curb my basic instincts. ;) I'll send you the paper through mail.